Type of engine: MAN B&W MC90V (VLCC)
Fault: Early Injection Timing
M/E Turbocharger System diagram
ME Cylinder no-1 diagram with parameters (Faulty unit)
ME Cylinder no-2 diagram with parameters (Without fault)
ME Piston RIng Monitor Diagram (Unit no-1)
ME Piston RIng Monitor Diagram (Unit no-2)
Cylinder Indicator Diagram – Pressure/Angle
Cylinder no-1 -> Pink (abnormal)
Cylinder no 2 -> Blue (normal)
Action and Remarks:
Parameter Analysis:
Based on the above parameters,
All scavenge air supply system parameters are normal and hence no scavenge problem.
The mechanical system is in good working order and hence airtight integrity of the combustion space is intact & no problem with a mechanical system. Based on the fuel oil system parameters, main engine no-01-unit, exhaust temperature dropped to 312° C, Pmax increased to 133.1, TINJO is advanced to -4.0° C. TIGN is also advanced to 3.6° C. Fuel pump flow rate is same, PINJM & PINJO is almost same So, from above the most probable cause would be fuel pump early injection as the timing is advanced.