1. Familiar with SMS of company
2. Implementation of company safety and environment protection policy
3. Motivate crew in relation to implementation of such policy
4. To hold safety meeting, emergency drills and training on board
5. Issue standing orders & night orders to E/R personnel
6. To make sure that E/R is manned with qualified & medically fit personnel
7. Familiar E/R personnel with duties related to safety & environmental protection
- Make sure that E/R personnel are able to communicate properly
Implementation of various safety checklists, plans, procedures related to safety of ship
and pollution prevention
- To conduct various contingency drills and record it
To report Non-Conformity accidents, hazardous occurrences, analyze it and take corrective action as appropriate
Maintenance of ship and its machinery in accordance with procedures established by company
Make sure that inspections are held at appropriate intervals and same are documented
Maintain records of inspections & maintenance onboard
Raise and report NC in case of any defect detected. Analysis of such defects and take
corrective actions
- Control & monitoring of spares &store
Testing & maintenance of standby and critical system & equipment that are not in
continuous use
- Maintain documentation with respect to his area e.g. files, reports, certificates
Successfully carry out internal & external audit
Discuss results of audit within his department
Take appropriate corrective actions on NC, observations, defects raised during audits
and report to the company.