SOLAS Requirement for Emergency Power

The requirement for emergency power onboard the ship is detailed in SOLAS chapter 2-1
SOLAS CH: II-1 / Part : D / Reg : 43 & 44

The emergency source of electrical power may be either a generator or an accumulator battery for essential services under emergency conditions.

Where the emergency source of electrical power is a generator, it shall be
 Driven by a suitable prime mover with an independent supply of fuel having a flashpoint (closed cup test) of not less than 43°C
 The emergency generator and emergency switchboard of the ship should be located above the
uppermost continuous deck, away from machinery space, behind the collision bulkhead.
 The main switchboard of the ship should not interfere with the supply, control, and distribution of emergency power.
 The emergency source of power should be capable of operating with a list of up to 22.5° and trim of up to 10 °
 The emergency generator should be capable of giving power for the period of 18 hours for the cargo ship and 36 hours for the passenger ship.
 The emergency generator should start at 0°C and if the temperature fall below this then there should be a heating arrangement.
 The emergency generator should come on load automatically within 45s after the failure of main power supply.
 If the emergency generator fails to come on load the indication should be given to ECR.
 The emergency generator should have two different starting arrangement
 Primary may be the battery, should fully charge all time and capable of providing 3 consecutive Start.
 Secondary may be pneumatic or hydraulic, capable of providing 3 consecutive starts within 30 min, and 1st start within 12 min.
 In addition to emergency generator a transitional source of emergency electrical power should be provided,
→ The transitional source of emergency electrical power shall consist of an accumulator battery suitably located for use in an emergency. It shall operate without recharging while maintaining the voltage of the battery throughout the discharge period within 12% above or below its nominal voltage. The battery capacity should be sufficient . Capable of supplying power automatically to emergency lighting in the event of failure of either the main or emergency source of electrical power

→ Where the emergency source of electrical power is an accumulator battery, it shall be capable-
.1 carrying the emergency electrical load without recharging. It shall maintain it voltage 12% above or below its nominal voltage while discharging.
.2 it should also capable of automatically connecting to the emergency switchboard in the event of failure of the main source of electrical power; and
.3 immediately supplying power to emergency lighting
Testing of Emergency Generator

The testing of ship’s emergency generator is done every week (as part of weekly checks) by running it unloaded to check if it starts on battery mode. The hydraulic start is done every month to ensure that it is working fine. Also every month automatic start of generator is also done to check its automatic operation and to see whether it comes on load.

Procedure for Battery Start

  1. Go to the emergency generator room and find the panel for emergency generator.
  2. Put the switch on the test mode from automatic mode. The generator will start automatically but will not come on load.
  3. Check voltage and frequency in the meter.
  4. Keep the generator running for 10-15 min and check the exhaust temp and other parameters.
  5. Check the sump level.
  6. For stopping the generator, put the switch in manual and then stop the generator.

Procedure for Hydraulic Start

  1. Out the switch in manual mode as stated above and check the pressure gauge for sufficient oil pressure.
  2. Open the valve from accumulator to generator.
  3. Push buttonthe spring loaded valve and the generator should start.
  4. Check voltage and frequency.
  5. Keep the generator running for 10-15 min and check the exhaust temp and other parameters.
  6. Check the sump level
  7. For stopping, use the manual stop button from the panel.
  8. After stopping the generator, pressurize the hydraulic accumulator to desired pressure.
  9. Close the valve from accumulator to generator.

Procedure for Automatic Start
For automatic start, we know that there is a breaker which connects Emergency Switch Board (ESB) and Main Switch Board (MSB); and there is also an interlock provided due to which the emergency generator and Main power of the ship cannot be supplied together.

Therefore, we simulate by opening the breaker from the tie line, which can be done from the MSB or the ESB panel.

After opening the breaker, the emergency generator starts automatically with the help of batteries and will supply essential power to machinery and pumps connected to ESB.

For stopping the generator, the breaker is closed again and due to the interlock the generator becomes off load.

Now again put the switch to manual mode to stop the generator.

Press stop and the generator will stop.

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